| Summer School 2009 > Workshops > Urban Renewal |
Urban Renewal
OverviewDuring the Urban Renewal Workshop, you will have the opportunity to work with the ColorTable, a tangible user interface, designed for creating mixed reality scenes in medium-sized urban planning contexts. The ColorTable allows assigning content to colored tokens and positioning them on a map. The composed scene is visualized on the fly on a three-dimensional projection.
Also the table surface itself, which holds exchangeable maps of the discussed site, is augmented with an additional projection.The round form of the table supports collaboration between actors in different scenarios, while the intuitive tangibility of the interface promotes a quick understanding and prompt usage of the technology, even for the inexperienced.
ColorTableThe ColorTable is under continues development and already supports a wide variety of features and different content-types:
- 2d billboards (trees, flowers, ..)
- 3d geometries (houses, building blocks, ..)
- curved streets (with varying traffic types and densities)
- ground textures (grass, stone, water,...)
- photo-realistic panoramic background with depth-map
- and many more...
Although the ColorTable already provides a wide variety of functions there is still enough room for improvements as well as new concepts and ideas.
TaskYou will analyze the existing technology and then work out additional features and/or improvements, as well as prepare adequate content for the implementation. (Of course with the assistance from the researchers on-site.)
Further Readinghttp://www.media.tuwien.ac.at/v.maquil/colortable.html http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/ipcity/sketcher.php http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/ipcity/mrtent.php
Preparation and Preparatory Material Preparatory task
During the Summer School you will prepare content and participate in a workshop focusing on the renewal of Karlsplatz in Vienna. In advance you should research the history of and around Karlsplatz (former architectural projects and events in the area, urban issues).
Visit Karlsplatz, get to know it, identify important buildings, connections, places for activities, but also problems... Think about how to improve 'connectivity' on and around Karlsplatz:
a) in terms of traffic flows, pedestrian and bicycle paths. b) in terms of hotw to invite people to stay , rest, play, work, meet,..
Collect and bring with you 'inspirational materials' that help you express and explore first ideas about 'transforming' Karlsplatz. (photos, objects, sounds, probes, smells, maps, postcards..).
Suggested reading material for workshop on Urban Renewal:
- The ColorTable - A Design Story
- Expressive Interactions Supporting Collaboration in Urban Design
- MR Tent: A Place for Co-Constructing Mixed Realities in Urban Planning
- Urban Sketcher: Mixing Realities in the Urban Planning and Design
- Urban Sketcher: Mixed Reality on Site for Urban Planning and Architecture
ContactDirect any questions or comments about the Urban Renewal Workshop to: Michael Idziorek <michael@media.tuwien.ac.at>