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November 29. 2013 09:47:08
Summer School 2009 > Workshops > Environmental Awareness

Environmental Awareness

Come build a pervasive game in situ in Vienna!

We will work with training the map, finding good clues by looking at what is in the environment, and building a kit for our players. These images are of players in our Environmental Awareness Game in Helsinki. In Vienna, we will look to build a game that makes players takes note of their environment, the green areas, the beauty to be found there, as well as adding some knowledge of environmental issues.

We use a newly developed robust tracking for phones "Studierstube Tracker NFT 2" and work with the city, your knowledges, and our knowledge to build something really good.

Please contact Ann Morrison for more information!

Preparatory Material

Below you will find material for the workshop, provided by the workshop lead:

  • A recent publication on the work: Morrison, A., Oulasvirta, A., Peltonen, P., Lemmelä, S., Jacucci, G., Reitmayr, G., Näsänen, J., & Juustila, A. (2009). Like bees around the hive: A comparative study of a mobile augmented reality map. Proceedings of CHI2009, ACM Press, New York. Best paper award nomination. [pdf]
  • Environmental Detectives:
  • Chapter from Peta Mitchell, University of Queensland from soon to be published "Mapping the Labyrinth", found here.

IPCity Summer School 2009