Journal articles

Nuojua, J. WebMapMedia: a map-based Web application for facilitating participation in spatial planning. Multimedia Systems, 16(1), 3 – 21.

McCall R., Wetzel R., Löschner R., Braun. A. Using Presence to Evaluate An Augmented Reality Location Aware Game.  In Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.

Conference Papers

G.P Nguyen and H.J. Andersen, A new approach for detecting local features. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), May 2010, France.

Jacucci, G., Morrison, A., Richardson, G., Kleimola, J., Laitinen, T. and Peltonen, P. Worlds of Information: Supporting multiplicity at a public multitouch display. (in press) ACM CHI 2010.

Conference Short Papers & Abstracts

Workshop papers


Workshop Organisers

Natural User Interfaces workshop at CHI2010. Co-organisers of workshop Giulio Jacucci, HIIT, Ann Morrison, HIIT, Steve Seow, Microsoft Surface, Dennis Wixon, Microsoft Surface


Basile M., Ozdirlik B., Terrin JJ. (2010) IPCity: une recherché sur la place des technologies de réalité mixte dans les représentations du projet urbain. In : Les premières journées du Pôle Ville de l’Université Paris-Est. Champs-sur-Marne, 21-23 January 2010

McCall, R. (2010) Vienna and the Elves. Interfaces Magazine. British Computer Society, HCI Special Interest Group.