The UbiComp Challenge
UbiComp 2007 will introduce a new instrument to promote and encourage high quality research in the area of UbiComp: The UbiComp Challenge. It is a field test intended to accelerate research, development and applicability of UbiComp technology.
Using an “eating your own dog’s food” approach, the UbiComp2007 Challenge is seeking for submissions of how to implement an audience voting system to finally determine the winner of the “Best Presentation Award” which will be given at UbiComp2007 for the first time. The central requirement is that the proposed solution makes clever and efficient use of UbiComp technology, and can actually be implemented by the proposers before and used at the conference in September 2007.
The conference organizers reserve a grant of up to 2000 EUR to buy necessary equipment claimed and justified by the best proposal.
The challenge call is intentionally underspecified in terms of approaches and technologies to allow for a creative and innovative scientific solution employing all kinds of ubiquitous computing technologies and techniques that are appropriately addressing the problem space.
The challenge offers an excellent way to showcase tangible results of ubiquitous computing research and development to approx. 500 attendees from academia and industry, which is also the amount of people which are expected to use the winner’s system at the same time, so it should scale adequately. We believe that the experiences and findings from developing and running a system of this scale provide valuable results to the UbiComp community.
The UbiComp Challenge committee will carefully review all submissions to identify the most appealing approach, which is still realistic to be implemented in the given timeframe:
- Submission Deadline: Feb 01, 2007
- Notification: Mar 15, 2007
- Conference: Sep 16-19, 2007
We expect submissions in form of an abstract that describes the ubicomp technology being adopted and discusses the novelty and distinguishing ideas, but also provide justification for the feasibility of the approach and cost estimates. The challenge abstract of the best five submissions will be published in the Conference Supplement and should therefore be self-contained. The best submissions are also given the opportunity to showcase their apporaches in the UbiComp demo program.
Submit your proposals as PDF document to challenge(at)
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