Symposium Paper
2006. Novotny, Tom, Lindt, Irma, and Broll, Wolfgang. “A multi modal table-top 3D modeling tool in augmented environments”. In Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE) 2006, (Lissabon, Portugal, May 8-10), Eurographics Association, 45-52, 2006.
Broll, Wolfgang, Ohlenburg, Jan, Lindt, Irma, Herbst, Iris, and Braun, Anne-Kathrin. “Meeting Technology Challenges of Pervasive Augmented Reality Games”. In Proc. of ACM Netgames 2006 (Singapore, Oct. 30-31, 2006).
Wittkämper, Michael, Broll, Wolfgang and Lindt, Irma. “A Mixed Reality User Interface Description Language”. Proceedings of the first Workshop on Mixed Reality User Interfaces (MRUI’06) at IEEE VR 2006, Alexandria, VA, USA.
Broll, Wolfgang, Wittkämper, Michael, and Lindt, Irma. “Mixed Reality User Interface Description Language”, Poster, In Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Environments at ACM SIGGRAPH’06 (Boston, USA, July 31 – August 4), 2006.
Jacucci, G., Salovaara, A., Oulasvirta, A., Ilmonen, Tommi, I., Evans, J. (2006). CoMedia: Integrating Context Cues into Mobile Group Media for Spectators. November 20-21, 2006. The 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Montpellier (France).