Call for Pervasive 2008 Demonstrations
Research Demonstrators offer a unique opportunity to showcase research prototypes, and to discuss them with an international audience of experts in pervasive computing. To promote this, Pervasive 2008 is seeking interesting and engaging demonstrations of pervasive computing technologies. Proposers are invited to submit Research Demonstrations under the general topics of the conference.
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- New technologies and devices for pervasive computing
- New applications of pervasive computing technologies
- New interfaces and modes of interactions between people and pervasive computing devices, applications or environments
- New models, tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing applications
- Evaluations and evaluation methods, for assessing the impact of pervasive computing devices, applications or environments
- Privacy, security, trust & social issues and implications of pervasive computing
We encourage combining a research demonstration with a short paper that describes the contribution and as an anchor point for future reference. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, up to 4 pages in length and conform to the OCG Format (
All demonstration submissions should be sent to the demonstration chairs via e-mail (c.f. below)
The authors should also provide a brief sketch of the planned demonstration on an additional page. Specific requirements concerning space, power, network, and security should be stated. It is planned that wireless internet access will be provided. Accepted contributions will be published in the adjunct proceedings of 2008 with the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) series and online. The demonstrations will be introduced during a plenary session of the conference, and there will also be a reception dedicated to the presentation of posters and demonstrators.
Important Dates
- March 1, 2008: Demonstations: Submission deadline
- March 15, 2008: Demonstrations: Acceptance notification
Demonstration chairs
Sebastien Ardon – NICTA, Australia.
Email: sebastien.ardon(at)
Enrico Rukzio – Lancaster University, UK.
Email: Enrico Rukzio rukzio(at)