
The theory presentations are given by the leading senior researchers of the IPCity research project. These introductory presentations help to bring understanding into the aims of the research directions of the general project.

Project introduction and Theory session on Presence

Dr. Rod McCall

Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT

Rod McCall is a research scientist and is currently the Deputy Head of the Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Environments Department at Fraunhofer FIT. He is also the co-ordinator of the IPCity project. Prior to this post he held an ERCIM Fellowship at Fraunhofer FIT and CRP-Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg. Until 2005 he was a Senior Research Fellow at Napier University, Edinburgh. He holds a PhD (Edinburgh Napier University), Masters (De Montfort) and BSc Hons. (Dundee). For the last ten years he has been engaged in research related to sense of place and presence in mixed and virtual realities. He has been an active member of the presence community having been part of the PEACH co-ordinated action and has organised workshops at both CHI and British HCI.

Theory session on Participatory Design/Evaluation

Univ. Prof. Dr.in Ina Wagner

Vienna University of Technology, Institut für Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung, Arbeitsgruppe Multidisziplinäres Design

Ina Wagner is Professor for Multidisciplinary Systems Design and Computer-Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW) and Head of the Institute for Technology Assessment and Design at TU Wien. She has been engaged in design-oriented work for the last ten years in the context of national and European projects. Among her research interests are novel interfaces, creative design methods, and the role of materiality as a resource for persuasive, narrative and experiential interactions.

Theory session on Mixed Reality Interfaces

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Dieter Schmalstieg

Graz University of Technology, Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision

Dieter Schmalstieg is full professor of Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics at Graz University of Technology, Austria, where he directs the "Studierstube" research project on augmented reality. His current research interests are augmented reality, virtual reality, distributed graphics, 3D user interfaces, and ubiquitous computing. He received Dipl.-Ing. (1993), Dr. techn. (1997) and Habilitation (2001) degrees from Vienna University of Technology. He is author and co-author of over 100 reviewed scientific publications, member of the editorial advisory board of computers & graphics, member of the steering committee of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, chair of the EUROGRAPHICS working group on Virtual Environments, advisor of the K-Plus Competence Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization in Vienna, deputy director of the doctoral college for confluence of graphics and vision, director of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld Augmented Reality and member of the Austrian Academy of Science. In 2002, he received the START career award presented by the Austrian Science Fund.

Theory session on Urban Issues

Jean-Jacques Terrin

Université Marne la Vallée, Champs sur Marne

Jean-Jacques Terrin is an architect, he has worked on numerous planning projects in both France and abroad. From 1996 to 2001 he ran a major research programme for the French Ministry of Equipment, within the context of the Planning, Construction and Architecture Plan (PUCA), on the development of architectural and planning practices. He has been French delegate to the Europan Community within the Cost program. Between 1999 and 2003 he created and ran an urban engineering department at the Compiègne University of Technology. He is currently a professor at the Versailles School of Architecture. He has undertaken numerous research projects and has published articles and works on the mutation of design practices and the new relations the latter have with technology.